Measurement 3

Measurement 3 (QSB2115)

Mr. Soon Lam Tatt is the lecturer of this subject for us in our semester 3. Basically, this subject is for us to learn the principles, purpose and function of Standard Method of Measurement (SMM2) including measurement principles, descriptions and standard phraseology. The topics that our lecturer has covered are the measurement of for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works. We are also learning the introduction on the principle of specification writing, form of specification writing and their uses for the various trades. 

We are assigned to form a group of 4 to 5 members in a group and each of us is requested to produce the measurement for a door and a window. For this semester, the floor plans and the details for doors and windows are not given by our lecturer, instead we need to provided them by ourself. So, we decided to visit one of our group member's house and collect the information of different type of doors and windows in order to start our assignment. Luckily, we managed to find 5 different types doors and windows. From this assignment, I had realized the importance of teamwork which I can't finish my assignment with satisfaction if without my group members. Last but not least, we are indeed gained lots of knowledge and fun during our works.

Picture above shows aluminium frame louvred window that i measured for my measurement 3 assignment.

Picture above shows aluminium frame hollow core flush door that i measured for my measurement 3 assignment. 
Picture above shows the ground floor plan of my group member's house.
Picture above shows the first floor plan of my group member's house.

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