Professional Practice 1 (QSB2615)
This is a whole new module for me as this is not a prerequisite module, and the lecturer for this module also is somebody that i'm not familiar with, who is Sr. Chang Khong Thong. Mr. Chang has explained to us the overview of professional and contractual responsibilities of a quantity surveyor in the consultant group from the design stage to the final account stage. He also focus on the importance of a clear understanding of the organization and administration of quantity surveyor practices and the legal and contractual procedures in relation to building procurement wtih us.For his lecture, he has taught us about the tender document, role of quantity surveyor, procurement, selection of contract form, tendering method and procedure, contract document, variation order and prime cost and provisional sum, delays and extension of time, damages, interim valuation and claims. Upon successful completion of the module, now i'm able to describe the duties and define the qualifications (academic and professional) required of a Quantity Surveyor, its professional Institution and Board. Besides that, i'm able to identify the roles of various parties involved in the building team and their construction contracts and contractual obligations. Not only that, i'm also able to evaluate the array of construction contracts between the client and the main contractor.
Unlike other modules, this module does not have the group assignment but we have an individual assignment to do. For this individual assignment, we are acted as a consultants quantity surveyor and we are invited to submit a proposal on the best procurement, tendering and contract arrangement to meet our developer friend's requirements as our developer friend is unfamiliar with the construction industry. (For further information of the assignment please click --> Assignment brief ). Because of this individual assignment, i am able to learn even more and deeper about the procurement method, tendering and contract arrangement, which make me have a better understanding of the role of a quantity surveyor.