Research Methodology

Research Methodology (QSB3933)

I am having this subject because I am a final year student and this subject is all about producing a thesis which is related to the construction field. This subject is taught by Dr Myzatul Aishah Binti Haji Kamarazaly, who is a descent, kind, dedicated lecturer, I am enjoying each time during her lecture and tutorial classes, and she will not hesitate to help us out or assist us whenever we encountered problems. She even sacrificed 2 of her lecture class to set up librarian sessions for us to learn how to do the citation in our thesis paper and how to find useful information from the internet effectively.

This module covers the process and techniques of research, research design, identification of research areas and the preparation of research proposal. At the end of the course, we should be able to identify issues, problems and areas of research, identify relevant data and information required for the research, develop data collection techniques, design research process and prepare research proposal. In order to complete the thesis, we have learned to seek information from a variety of sources, open to new ideas and have the capacity for self-directed learning, look for alternative ideas and solutions, present information and express ideas clearly, effectively and confidently and act ethically with integrity and social responsibility.

Unlike the other subjects, this module doesn't have the final exam but we have 2 individual assignments instead, which one of them is research proposal and one of them is literature review. There are total of 5 chapters in this thesis and the research proposal is the Chapter 1 of the thesis, which is about the introduction of the thesis. My thesis topic is "COMPARISON OF GREEN BUILDING RATING TOOLS IN MALAYSIA" and Chapter 1 is the brief introduction on the implementation of Sustainable Building Rating System (SBRS) that were developed around the world which highlights the background, problem statement, objectives, scope and limitations. While Chapter 2 is about the literature review which i have discussed about definition of green building, importance of sustainable development, role of green building challenge, and finally the definition of green building rating tools. Whereas Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 will be continued in my next semester. 

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