Development Economics

Development Economics (QSB 4224)

Sr Dianne Kok Hui Wei is the lecturer for this module. She is a very dedicated lecturer who always make sure we understand what she is teaching during all her classes. This module is quite similar to the previous module I had last semester, which is Building Economics and also was taught by Sr Dianne Kok, but this module focused more on the overall property development. This module introduced us to the development, roles and contribution of construction industry to notional economy.

There are total of 8 topics that have been covered by Ms. Dianne, which are introduction to development economics; property development; property investment; development appraisal; factors in property development; market research; cost benefit analysis; development finance. 

There is 1 mid-tern test and 1 group assignment for this module. For the group assignment, we were required to analyse the number of units for each type of houses that can be built for the proposed development project; prepare a financial appraisal; quarter-yearly cash flow; calculate the NPV of the project on a quarter-yearly basis; and comment on the cash flow and viability of the project if it is based on a ‘Build-then-Sell’ concept.

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